About Acupressure Massage
This massage is based on the traditional Japanese Acupressure technique called Amna.
It is similar in concept to Acupuncture, though instead of needles used to stimulate your energy points, I use my hands, arms and elbows in a specific sequence of movements to improve energy flow.
My massage is unique as it also includes elements of Shiatsu & Pelvic Alignment and if so desired Indian Head Massage. It carried out on a very comfortable large table and if required, a state-of-the-art ergonomic chair, fully clothed and without oils.
It is a powerful massage focussing on the back, shoulders, neck, arms, hands and head, leaving you invigorated, energised yet relaxed and de-stressed.
Benefits of Acupressure
There are many benefits from the treatment.
It can be very effective in releasing muscular tension (for example massaging the shoulders and neck can alleviate pressure in the head), deeply relaxing the body and hence allowing us to be more productive.
The treatment of course is tailored to your individual needs, so if you have stiff and aching shoulders and can focus on opening and releasing the joints and easing the muscles around them. Though I will always work as well on the back, neck, shoulders and arms (albeit briefly) as they are all connected.
Frome clinic and Prices
See location details and prices for Acupressure at my practice in Frome.