Short and simple. I cannot recommend Peter highly enough. The intense pain in my hips and lower back, the fatigue, tiredness all gone. Peter got to the root of my issues immediately. I am forever grateful to him.
Robert – Glastonbury
It is so long ago I can’t remember when I started getting referred pain down my right arm. Cortisone injections in shoulder, arm and neck and physiotherapy brought fleeting relief. Gradually knees, neck and back started to ache and I was shuffling and unable to do more than very limited exercise.

More out of hope than expectation I visited Peter and the results have been nothing short of miraculous.
Most pain has receded, if not disappeared, and my energy levels have returned.
Another treatment or two and I’ll be able to resume more exercise and shed a few pounds.
Chris S – Frome
Peter was brilliant, I was at my wits end before I found him. His diagnoses, explanations and recommendations were easy to understand, his treatment worked and the exercises he gave me have stopped me needing to see him again…which is the only down side.
Ian C – Frome
After numerous failed spinal fusions in my neck and lower back, two massive salvage operations to try and repair the damage done and four years of indescribable pain, by the time I met Peter I had just about given up hope that there was anything that could bring relief.
The thought that there could be repair or any resurrection of the formerly active body I had known felt unrealistic and the belief that I could trust anybody to touch the fragile heap of bones I had become, even more so.
Apart from a suggestion from one of the top spinal surgeons in the country that I should have another operation to fuse my head onto my shoulders, a terrible operation with a low positive outcome, at 52 years of age I was facing permanent and increasing disability.

The first time I met Peter my sense that I could trust him was instantaneous. That sense has only deepened and increased over the year he has been working on me and slowly but surely he has enabled me to unfold, untwist, straighten and more importantly, believe that not only could the pain I experienced be radically decreased out, that as new issues arise, with gentleness, patience and incredible expertise, he can help me reach and maintain a quality in my life that had seemed impossible.
In the beginning I hurt more after treatment, but each time this subsided I was left slightly better than I had been before that treatment. My lower back, which had been numb and cold from the repeated incisions, incredibly came back to life. Cut nerves seemed to impossibly regenerate and the foul feeling, as though touch to my skin was through glass, gradually changed to feeling as though a pin were being pulled across the skin until the day when I could once again translate the touch as a finger tip.
I have sent many people, with a host of different problems to Peter since I met him.
I have heard how he cracks and stretches, extends and manipulates and at times I have felt almost short changed because I get “toe holding”, or this gentle touch which netherless, invariably sends me home feeling as though I have run a marathon.
Every referral I made has then gone on to inform me of how much he has helped them, how much better they are and how much they appreciated being told about him. Their positive and glowing feedback makes recommending him extremely rewarding.
It is a rare thing to be able to write a testimonial of unequivocal praise. Peter Scruby really knows his stuff and it is a joy to be able to pass that information on.
Kate D – Frome, Somerset
Put very simply, Peter straightens out your body to correct your movement and to reduce wear and tear in the parts causing pain. He then gives you various techniques to maintain this. It has worked very well for me – I could barely get out of the car – and as long as I continue with my exercises and use the various ‘tools’ he taught me, I continue to be much more mobile than before and am still seeing improvement.
Beccy S – Frome, Somerset
Hi Peter, I would just like to say a heartfelt thanks for the course of treatment I received from you concerning my neck and back problems. I had been unable to work for over 2 years after a bad back injury and also was suffering from severe stiffness in the neck and also joint pain in my wrists.

After a course of treatment from you involving shiatsu, deep massage manipulation, pelvic alignment and exercises to do at home I was fit to return to my job as HGV driver in mid-June and am in the process of building up from part time to hopefully full time work in the very near future.
I have just celebrated my 64th birthday and never thought I would work again, you can imagine how pleased I am and I cannot praise and recommend your service enough.
You always have the time to listen and recommend new exercises and after a consultation. I always came away feeling so much more pain free and relaxed my back is now pain free and my neck problems are very much improved, I still have some pain and discomfort in my wrists and may book a couple more sessions with you in the near future but overall I am so much better than before I started my course and would just like to say thanks again Peter.
John B – Frome, Somerset
I have always had a problem with my back, too much sitting at the desk typing…but after a session with Peter it’s a whole new world, without pain! Peter visits our offices twice a month. We have all improved our posture. He gives us exercises that we all use on a daily basis which has transformed our working lifestyle. We cannot recommend him enough, it is life changing and once you’ve started on the journey you will never look back.
Kate Watson – Senior Casting Agent, Sara Putt Associates, Shepperton Studios
I would recommend Peter Scruby to anyone who is suffering any type of physical pain. When I first went to see Peter I was in constant pelvic pain which nothing seemed to help, I was also facing the unappetising thought that I may need an operation for a prolapse. I was also suffering from constant heavy bleeding even though I had reached the menopause (I had tests to check this was nothing suspicious).
I was recommended to seek Peter’s help before I started Pilates to check everything was in alignment. To my absolute surprise Peter told me my pelvis was 3/4 inch out and twisted which explained a lot of my very distressing pelvic symptoms. After two blissful hours of massage and gentle manipulation Peter told me my pelvis was realigned !!!
I couldn’t believe it. When I walked out I could have wept with joy most of my pain had gone. Over the next 48 hours I did feel a little stiff but I followed Peters advice and wrapped up with hot packs and all was well. The most amazing thing is that my prolapse has virtually gone and all the weird bleeding has stopped. I am continuing to see Peter for ongoing maintenance to keep my self well and aligned.
Angie D – Frome, Somerset
I can’t recommend Peter enough, he really knows his stuff and his professional, likeable, calm approach make for an amazing experience.”
Paul A – Horsham. Sussex
Having heard of Peter’s excellent reputation through a mutual friend I went to see him about a pinched nerve in my neck which was very painful and made my left arm completely numb. He initially gave me a very thorough examination to identify the symptoms and ascertain the specific type of treatment required, impressive!

First off he aligned my pelvis which I’ve never had done before. If you’ve never had it done I’d thoroughly recommend it. Felt amazing, a surge of energy flowed through my body and I instantly felt relaxed and free of tension. Then he started Shiatsu work on my spine, shoulders, neck and certain pressure points. I have to say I’ve never experience a treatment quite like it and I’ve had many different types of treatments in my time. I really didn’t want the hour to end.
Best night’s sleep I’ve had for a long time and even after just the one treatment my neck and arm feel so much better. It may sound a bit of a cliche but I really feel like a different person and I’m so looking forward to my next session.
Scott T – London
I have been having treatment with Peter for high blood pressure and white coat syndrome. The treatment has been very effective and my blood pressure has now normalised. It has also repaired the circulation in an old injury sight. The shiatsu is very relaxing and enjoyable, I would recommend Peter to all my friends. I was recommended by a friend who had also been successfully helped.
Juliet G – Bradford on Avon
For many years I have suffered from lower back, shoulder and neck pain and had various treatments with chiropractors and osteopaths. I could always get a quick fix but never felt confident that I would be cured permanently. I am a very active person and had decided that this is how life was going to remain.
In the summer of 2011, I visited a stand at the Beckington show and had 15mins of therapy on my shoulders and lower back by Peter Scruby. I walked away from him feeling like I was walking on air and full of energy and a great feeling of released tension.
Having taken away some literature from the show, I then contacted Peter in order to arrange an appointment for a thorough examination and for treatment to my pelvis, shoulders and neck.
A thorough examination is what I received and within minutes Peter had established that my pelvis was out of alignment, my spine was not as it should be and that my gall bladder, kidneys and other very important parts of my body were not functioning properly…… “Get the gun and shoot me” is what I thought at this point. 15 mins later, after some very powerful and enjoyable massage and manipulation, Peter confirmed that my pelvis had been aligned…. “What already ?” I thought.

With 45 mins to go, I was then subjected to some very relaxing Shiatsu work on my spine, shoulders and neck and various pressure points all over my body. At the end of the 1 hour session, I stood up and felt that wonderful feeling of lightheadedness and released tension and most of all was standing up straight.
I am currently seeing Peter once a week and each time I visit, I am getting nearer to a place that I thought I would never get to. My internals are also on the improve and I sleep better than I have done for years.
Finding Peter has been great news for me and experiencing his treatments and therapies is something that everyone should consider.
Mark W – Trowbridge, Wiltshire
It’s like walking on air after a treatment from Peter. I return to my desk after my treatment and always seem to have acquired a surge in energy- all the negative thoughts have melted away and I’m ready to face the day ahead. Peter is such a friendly and down to earth person. He immediately puts me at ease and makes me feel very relaxed. I look forward to our appointments as it is such a highlight in my day.
Laurily Adams – Casting Agent , Sara Putt Associates, Shepperton Studios.
Peter does brilliant work – not only with his unique massages, but also in looking after our well-being. He’s provided a holistic approach to working with us, offering helpful advice and continually developing his broad services. My team scrambles for a spot on his roster and his soothing talents have done much to ease away stresses – we’ve been very fortunate to have him!
Matt – Head of IT, Key Travel Ltd
Peter has worked with Key Travel for 4 years and has been a delightful and appreciated company benefit. Peter is extremely dedicated to his work and has been committed to developing his knowledge and expertise during the period of time he has worked with us. Peter doesn’t just give massages, he also goes a step further by giving advice to help overcome medical conditions. I always feel in safe hands and look forward to my massages. My colleagues and I have nothing but praise for Peter.
Frances Pratt – Service Account Manager, Key Travel Ltd
Peter has been visiting our company for many years now and I feel that during that time he has developed an excellent rapport with each of us lucky enough to get his services. He is able to recollect any particular medical issue you may have and as well as his massages he gives really useful advice on how to minimize/ help with any on-going aches and pains. I can certainly say that his massages are really beneficial to us working in an office environment so prone to particular aches and stresses. I really look forward to each week that it’s my turn for his work and it’s a benefit that I hope will stay for a long while yet- I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone.
Karen Boardman – Supervisor, Key Travel Ltd
Peter creates a calming and relaxed atmosphere much needed during a stressful day in the office. I like his attention to detail and his desire to address any issues I may be having so that he can concentrate his massages to combat any current complaints. He is able to go to the root of the problem Overall his massages are the most welcome part of my working week.
Richard – Marketing Executive, Key Travel Ltd
Excellent……what more can I say. Peter worked wonders on my aching neck and shoulders and massaged the stiffness away. Will certainly be going back for more.
Paul – London